Lots of people took advantage of free lunch today at Little Caesar's as line stretched out the door at lunchtime..

Last month during the first round of the NCAA men's basketball tournament, Little Caesar's tweeted this offer: If a #16 BEATS a #1 in men's basketball TONIGHT, you could score a @LittleCaesars Lunch Combo

You can thank the Retrievers of University of Maryland, Baltimore County. They became the first No. 16 seed to beat a No. 1 seed in men's NCAA tournament history when they routed Virginia 74-54.


The true March Madness was over the lunch hour today. As you can see the parking lot at Little Ceasars in Dubuque was jammed with vehicles.  No official word on just how many free lunch's were given out today.

The NCAA men's basketball championship game is tonight between Villanova and Michigan.

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