As a non-college graduate, perhaps I'm not the best messenger for this news regarding 3 Wisconsin universities that were shockingly included in a recent ranking of the worst schools in America.

I want to be clear that this is NOT my list. I saw this shared on the website Domesticated Companion and could not believe my eyes when 3 well-respected (or so I thought) Wisconsin universities were called out.

From what I can tell, it appears this national who's-who of academic badness was based on dropout rates, student debt and campus safety. See if you're as surprised as I was to see these Wisconsin universities named.

Lawrence University - Appleton, Wisconsin

Google Maps Street View
Google Maps Street View

The article claims that despite a reported tuition rate of $47,000 "most grads only make around $44,000 per year 10 years after enrolling". Ouch.

Marquette University - Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Google Maps Street View
Google Maps Street View

Marquette gets called out for being the 9th most dangerous campus in America allegedly. High property crime and tuition also didn't help their cause apparently.

University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin

Google Maps Street View
Google Maps Street View

That's right. University of Wisconsin at Madison gets named because the article thinks it lacks free speech. Not my words, but the article that ranked them.

I'm not agreeing with any of the conclusions that the Domesticated Companion ranking came up with. I am just a shocked messenger that these Wisconsin places got such a nasty national call-out.

US Marshals Seeking Capture of 6 Dangerous Wisconsin Fugitives

Gallery Credit: US Marshals