Dwyer and Michaels recently asked, "Which Quad Cities Stoplights Do You Absolutely Hate?"  The answers came pouring in from all over Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa. People were angered about the lights around the QC and let us know which lights to avoid.

Top 10 WORST Stoplights In The Quad Cities

These are the top comments from citizens in the Quad Cities.


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    "Every light in Downtown Davenport right now on 3rd and 4th because the timing is off. They used to be fine but in the last couple of months they have all been messed up."            -Chad

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    "The ones on John Deere Road by Local 25 in Rock Island!!!!! They have clearly marked NO TURN ON RED for the 2 right-hand turn lanes and people turn in front of you when you are coming up from behind the hospital traveling through the green light. Also, once able to turn right on green, the next set of lights are poorly timed and makes you stop again at red, it makes for a traffic jam. They need better enforcement of something there!!!!!" - Dianne

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    "The lights on Kimberly Rd! They are timed so poorly you get stopped at every light." - Brandon

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    "The light right after Spruce Hills & Utica, by the 74 on-ramps. Ughhhhhhhh always backed up there!" -Kim

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    "Milan. W. 10 ave and 67, By Hy-Vee and the Shell station. Takes way too long in every direction." -Thomas

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    "Ironically it's the back-to-back ones damn near right in front of your studio, lol."  -Austin


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    "42nd STREET and WELCOME WAY/BRADY. That’s the east mall entrance. Firstly, they take forever to change. Also STOPLIGHTS ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP WITH FLOW OF TRAFFIC NOT STOP FLOW OF TRAFFIC. The light for 42nd will be red while there is absolutely ZERO cars coming down Welcome Way or up Brady. Then, when a whole bunch of cars are coming, then it turns red for them and green for 42nd Street. All those cross streets should be green (42nd and 46th) while the majority of cars are stopped on red at Brady and Kimberly. It makes no sense." -Andrew
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    "Worst is... People going north on Elmore and turning right on 53rd. But stop to wait for all 4 lanes to be clear before going. Not seeing the whole empty lane all the way to the highway directly in front of them made specifically to allow them to go without backing up traffic all the way to Steak n Shake." -Chris

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    "53rd and Ripley. You can sit there through 3 songs before it'll turn green." -Amy
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    Five Points.

    By far, this 5-point intersection was voted the worst stoplight spot in the Quad Cities. The roads include West Locust, Hickory Grove, and North Division.

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