We are just days away from the earliest snowfall in the history of Illinois...seriously. AZAnimal 

Back in the years of 1938 and 1942, the state of Illinois received the earliest snowfall. It's pretty shocking, because the actual date is days away from RIGHT NOW.

Despite much of Illinois being well-known for its frigid and below-freezing temperatures, the average amount of snow that falls in this state during the wintertime is roughly 20 to 30 inches. However, Chicago is no stranger to abnormal snowfall levels in the wintertime, given its proximity to the Great Lakes. Most lakeside states experience far more snow than average due to a particular weather phenomenon known as the lake effect. - AZANIMAL

So what is the date of the earliest snowfall ever in the state of Illinois?

September 25 both in 1938 and 1942

Could you imagine snow next Monday? No thank you, Mother Nature.

In direct contrast to this date, Illinois didn’t see snow until December 5th during the year 1999. This is far later than the state’s average first snowfall date and likely startling to Illinois residents at the time! Again, not very much snow fell on this date, but it was still a date for the record books. Speaking of snowfall amounts, let’s talk about some record-breakers now. - AZANIMAL

Looks like winter 2023-2024 will be a snowy one, but none of this snow in September crap, please!

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