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Illinois’ 1st Snowfall Will Probably Happen On This Date
Illinois’ 1st Snowfall Will Probably Happen On This Date
Illinois’ 1st Snowfall Will Probably Happen On This Date
It may seem like winter-like conditions are still pretty far away, but I should remind you that in some years, we've already had our first snowfall in Northern Illinois by now. Well, it hasn't snowed yet...but here's when it more than likely will snow for the first time this season.
Illinois Landmark Named One of America's Most Stunning Sights
Illinois Landmark Named One of America's Most Stunning Sights
Illinois Landmark Named One of America's Most Stunning Sights
Of all the iconic landmarks in Illinois, experts claim this one is the most stunning. But honestly... it's just okay. Cloud Gate Cloud Gate, better known as "The Bean," is beautiful, sure. It's a shiny, reflective piece of art in Millennium Park, Chicago, where you can snap some cool photos of the skyline...

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