Connor Kenney, originally from Clinton, Iowa, grew up loving radio and has a blast talking to you every day. Connor is the Brand Manager for B100 and has been with the station since December 2019. With 10 years of radio under his belt, it's obvious Connor loves radio and talking. Connor was the champion of B100 Proof Vodka and the partnership with Knee-High Distilling Co., Muscatine, Iowa's first distillery. B100 Proof Vodka is the first and only radio station-branded vodka in history. Make sure you hang out with Connor while you work, head to lunch, or have a random thirsty Thursday off.
Connor Kenney
Live Your Hallmark Christmas Movie Dream In Eastern Iowa
If you're looking to create your own holiday romance or just looking for some fun in downtown Davenport, saddle up because free horse-drawn wagon rides are happening this weekend.
Illinois, It’s Illegal To Give Kids Lottery Tickets For Christmas
And don't let underage kids drink alcohol either.
Wisconsin Residents Told “Do Not Travel” To These Locations
With travel season upon us, Wisconsin residents are being told very strictly they can't travel to these locations. "Do Not Travel" advisories have been put on several countries.
8 Tips To Ensure Your Iowa Home Doesn’t Burn Down On Thanksgiving
Stop trying to fry turkeys.
Iowa Residents Told “Do Not Travel” To These Locations
Many people will be traveling this holiday season but Iowa people who want to go somewhere random, can't go to these countries. A strict Do Not Travel ban has been placed on them
Iowa, This Simple Home Winter Hack Could Save You Thousands
Winter will be here in Iowa before you know. Homeowners need to start preparing their home for the cold and this simple home winter hack could save you thousands of dollars.
Illinois Residents Told “Do Not Travel” To These Locations
Travel season is upon us and Illinois residents are being told they can't travel to these locations. Several countries around the world have "Do Not Travel" advisories.
Love It Or Hate It, Snow Is Officially In The Forecast For Iowa
Whether we want it or not, snow is in the forecast and on its way to Iowa. While it won't be a massive snowstorm, this will be the first snowstorm of the season.
These Major Stores Will Be Closed On Thanksgiving In Illinois
Thanksgiving Day is right around the corner. QC shoppers need to plan ahead as several major grocery and retail stores will be closed. Only some stores will be open.
Apparently, Everyone is Moving To This Wisconsin City
People are moving all over the place but they are really moving to this Wisconsin City. It's one of the happiest cities and best ran cities in the U.S. Madison, WI is really popular to move to.