Meet Emily, homegrown and planted right here in Rockford with nearly two years in radio! She turned her "social media obsession" into a radio gig, defying her Wi-Fi-depriving parents from a young age. When she's not mindlessly scrolling TikTok, she's chillin' with her furbabies, Ramen and Noodles. Her life's an open book – and it's packed with empowering others one relatable story at a time.
The Road Sign We Can’t Stand Seeing The Most In Illinois
When you enter the good ol' state of Illinois, you get bombarded with road signs to no end. There's one sign I really can't stand seeing at every corner.
Top Two Hilarious Illinois License Plate Rejections of 2024
Internet trends have a heavy influence on kids these days, and it really shows after reading the list of Illinois' most rejected license plate requests in 2024.
Illinois’ #1 New Years Resolution Is A Very Realistic Goal for 2025
What's your New Years Resolution?
A Look Inside A Secret Underground City Hiding In Illinois [VIDEO]
These explorers in Chicago discovered one of the coolest underground cities in Illinois and the video footage is crazy to see.
The Road Sign That Drives Illinois Drivers Crazy
Illinois is a state full of potholes, high taxes, and endless construction.
Illinois Residents Agree This Is The Best Part About Illinois
You know, I've lived in Illinois my entire life and only a handful of times have I said I wanted to get out. That's not the case for other Illinois residents, though.
Illinois Residents Excited McDonald’s Snack Wraps Return in 2025
Snack Wraps will be making a comeback in 2025. Who's screaming with us?
Illinois Lake Dubbed ‘Most Dangerous’ In America, 1 Lake In Top 5
One of the most beautiful and iconic bodies of water in Illinois holds the most deaths in North America. It's being called the 'most dangerous'.
Unraveling the Mystery: How an Illinois Mall Survives With No Stores
Holidays are in full swing and that means malls will be packed with shoppers. Will this mall in Illinois have anyone shopping at all?
Drink Aboard: Ride the Holiday Wine Train in Northern Wisconsin
The Holiday Wine Train in Northern Wisconsin is ready to serve all of us wine lovers, and it's the perfect way to celebrate the season with your friends!