Clarke University’s Kehl Center Hosts Dubuque Area Family STEM Festival
Over the past view years, the acronym STEM has become a staple for those looking to better their understanding and educational development. Now STEM in Northeast Iowa is offering a partnership model united around the goal of student achievement and workforce development. One way they're doing this is with local STEM Festivals.
According to a press release from the organization, families are invited to attend the Dubuque Area Family STEM Festival on Thursday, April 20, from 4 to 7pm at the Kehl Center located on the Clarke University campus in Dubuque. The festival is free and open to students and their families.
The goals of the festival are to promote, inspire and engage youth in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics opportunities and to introduce youth and their parents to STEM careers.
Thes events are organized like a street festival or county fair. Visitors may stroll from activity to activity at their leisure. All ages are welcome to attend. Exhibits will feature interactive STEM activities for students and their families. Attendees take part in amazing science experiments, observe and interact with robots, perform surgery with a Laparoscopic Surgical Trainer, experience virtual reality, explore the healthcare field, and much more!
The Dubuque Area Family STEM Festival is a community-wide partnership led by the Northeast Region of the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council at the University of Northern Iowa, in partnership with Dubuque Area Labor-Management Council, Clarke University, Dubuque Community School District, Holy Family Catholic Schools, Dubuque County Extension and Outreach, Loras College, University of Dubuque, IowaWORKS, Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, Keystone Area Education Agency, National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium, Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, and Northeast Iowa Community College.
This years Dubuque STEM Festival exhibitors include:
- American Foundry Society - Hawkeye Chapter
- Boy Scouts
- Carnegie Stout Public Library
- Clarke University
- Dubuque Area Society of Women Engineers
- Dubuque County - Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
- Dubuque Police Department
- Dubuque Robotics: 7531 Servos Strike Back
- East Penn Manufacturing Co.
- Engineering Services and Products Company
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois
- Great Midwestern Educational Theatre Company
- GreenIowa AmeriCorps/Dubuque County Conservation
- Grout Museum District
- Holy Family Catholic Schools
- Iowa Flood Center - University of Iowa
- Iowa PBS Education
- Iowa Section of American Society of Civil Engineers
- Iowa Waste Exchange
- John Deere SHPE
- Keystone AEA - Digital Planetarium
- Keystone AEA - Robots
- Loras College - Engineering
- Loras College - Teacher Education
- Loras College - Math Program
- MercyOne Dubuque
- Origin Design
- Paramount Ambulance
- Teen Take C.A.R.E.
- Trane
- University of Dubuque - Aviation
- University of Dubuque - Chemistry Club
- University of Iowa - Chemistry Department
- University of Iowa - Health Care
- University of Northern Iowa - Astrobiology Underground
- University of Wisconsin Plattevile
- Upper Iowa University
- Wartburg Science Education
- Waterloo FIRST Robotics FTC 7247 & FRC 5837
Any questions about this event can be directed to Jeff Beneke by calling 319-273-7397.