Dee Snider Blasts Anti-Maskers Invading a Florida Target to ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’
A small group of anti-maskers recently invaded a Target in Florida blasting Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” while encouraging shoppers to remove their masks. Upon seeing video of the incident, Twisted Sister singer Dee Snider voiced his disapproval, telling the Florida men and women to “cut the shit.”
According to Johns Hopkins University, 6.6 million COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the United States, with approximately 196,000 Americans dying from the virus. Those numbers suggest a three-percent mortality rate for COVID in the U.S., which is just under the global mortality rate of 3.2 percent.
However, those numbers are based on positive tests. Studies suggest the majority of individuals who have contracted COVID-19 have not been tested, leading Dr. Fauci, the CDC and other public health experts to estimate a 0.6% mortality rate for COVID-19, roughly six times that of the typical flu season.
Despite roughly 1,000 Americans dying each day from COVID-19, anti-maskers continue to protest, drawing ire from people such as Dee Snider. The musician tweeted, “No...these selfish assholes do not have my permission or blessing to use my song for their moronic cause. #cuttheshit”
Meanwhile, Florida continues to have the most coronavirus cases per capita in the United States, with over 35,000 positives per million people.
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