Labor Day; What Services Will Run In Dubuque?
Every Labor Day is a chance to relax and enjoy the extended weekend with Family and friends. And who doesn't enjoy a day off? That sentiment also comes in the form of government and city services. So, what will and won't be available for use in Dubuque this Labor Day Weekend? Here's the list according to the City of Dubuque.
Firstly, City of Dubuque offices will be closed on Labor Day with several related service changes. For example, September’s first City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6th, at 6:30pm. For non-emergency issues during City office closures, citizens are asked to call 563-589-4415 and in the case of an emergency, always dial 911.
In addition, there will be no trash, yard debris, or curbside recycling collections by City crews on Labor Day. Any Monday collections will now be made on Saturday, September 3rd. The Dubuque Metro Landfill will also be closed on Labor Day.
In the transportation department; the Jule’s fixed route and mini-bus services will not operate on Labor Day. Also, any parking meter expiration violations will not be enforced Labor Day.
The Carnegie-Stout Public Library will be closed on Sunday, Septemeber 4th, and on Labor Day in observance of the holiday.
In opposition of closing the Bunker Hill Golf Course will be open on Labor Day with best-shot events taking place Saturday through Monday. If anyone is looking for details or to get involved please call 563-589-4261.
Other area cities and services will be limited as well. For additional information or question about affected services and organizations contact your city's government office before this weekend.