Metallica managed to power through mic problems during their Grammy performance with Lady Gaga on Feb. 12, but they weren't exactly thrilled with the situation — especially frontman James Hetfield, who was apparently not much fun to be around backstage afterward.

Drummer Lars Ulrich described the scene to host James Corden during a post-Grammys visit to The Late Late Show, saying it took him back to the band's early days — and not necessarily in a good way. "I haven’t seen him like that in 20 years," said Ulrich. "He was livid. I mean, he’s aged really well and he’s a pretty chill guy, but the first five or 10 minutes in that dressing room was not a lot of fun."

Explaining that "you just gotta keep playing" when things go wrong onstage, Ulrich added that ultimately, he looks back on the performance positively. "We fought through it, and, you know, with the fire and Gaga in my lap for a minute at one point, it was just keep going, keep going, keep going," he pointed out. "So we just fought through it, and a lot of people said it at least made for great television."

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In spite of Hetfield's anger over the situation — which you can see in the clip below, during which he knocks over his mic stand and throws his guitar offstage — Ulrich told Rolling Stone that the band expects to collaborate with Lady Gaga again at some point — and not just for awards show ratings, either.

"We already started fast-forwarding to the next chapter when we can do more of this," he enthused. "Of any of these undertakings, this is about as organic and authentic as there's ever been one. We're just getting started."

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