What happened to my loved one? It's unthinkable for most, but unfortunately reality for families every single day. Here in Iowa, over 300 people are currently missing. The Iowa Department of Public Safety has announced the relaunch of a website in the hopes of locating them. And they need help with one vital piece in the search for most.

Back in 1985, the Division of Criminal Investigation started the Missing Person Information Clearinghouse. Over the last 17 years, the information has been shared through a website that includes details on the missing person from law enforcement, along with a photo provided by their family. Unfortunately, a media release states there weren't photos of the majority of people missing.

The new website, IowaMissingPersons.com, has enhanced search capabilities. You can search by date of last contact, the agency where the missing person reported originated along with the type of incident, race, eye color, hair color, height, weight, and date of birth. Posters of those missing can also be downloaded and printed from the site. There is also information to hopefully help prevent runaways, abductions and more.

In the media release, Medina Rahmanovic, the DCI Missing Person Information Clearinghouse Coordinator, said,

We have been working for many years toward our goal of generating awareness, prevention and cooperation, and updating the Missing Person Information Clearinghouse website to make it more user-friendly.


Unfortunately, the photos are still a big problem. I counted only about 75 photos accompanying the 300+ missing persons on the website. Rahmanovic says,

We need the public’s assistance, and we encourage loved ones to share a photo with us at mpicinfo@dps.state.ia.us.

According to Iowa Missing Persons, there are 14 people that were reported missing through the Cedar Rapids Police Department. Currently, there are 16 missing person cases originated by the Waterloo Police Department. There are four through the Cedar Falls Police Department, three more by Marion police, and three by the Iowa City Police Department.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

KEEP READING: Scroll to see what the big headlines were the year you were born


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