Haim are a young trio of sisters whose music has been compared to Fleetwood Mac's classic '70s output, and they're just wrapping up a long tour in support of their debut LP, 'Days Are Gone'; meanwhile, Stevie Nicks is back on the road with Fleetwood Mac, starting a long series of dates that should include their first new full-length album in over a decade.

This symmetry did not go unnoticed by the New York Times' T Magazine, which arranged for Nicks and the Haim sisters to sit down together, share their thoughts about life as women in the music business, and collaborate on a rendition of one of Nicks' best-loved songs, 'Rhiannon.'

Their performance, which you can hear above, came in the midst of a freewheeling conversation in which Nicks -- whose new solo album came out yesterday -- dispensed advice about everything from songwriting (keep daily journals so you have material on hand for the times when you say to yourself, "I’m gonna light all the candles and I’m gonna put the fire on, and I’m gonna go sit at the piano and write") to not being afraid to say no ("Never sing a song you don’t love. Period"). As the four said their goodbyes, Nicks presented the Haims with chains affixed with gold moon pendants to match her own, saying, "You have to have your moons. So you’re our sisters of the moon."

But first, Nicks shared the story of the moment she realized she wanted to be a performer, responding to the question of how she knew it was going to "happen" for her.

"There is a song by Buffalo Springfield called ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Woman,’ and the first time I heard it, I was like, That’s me. That’s who I’m going to be," she recalled. "I remember walking through a room, going, ‘Do you know who I am?’ It’s like, the Red Sea is definitely going to part here. My mom used to always say, ‘You paint the picture and it will happen.’ I believe that if you close your eyes and see yourself up on that stage, being bigger than life, you become that person with that big, really good attitude. You’re gonna be that rock ‘n’ roll woman that’s gonna make people happy and take them out of their miserable lives for two hours ... and they’re going to want your music. And then, girls ... at 66 years old, you can be starting a year-and-a-half tour that sold out its U.S. dates -- in the first week."

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