Here’s How To Destroy The World’s Deadliest Animal In Your Backyard
Yes, the deadliest creature on Earth could be living and breeding right in your backyard, and you could use that to your advantage when seeking to destroy them. All of them.
Even with all of our advances, mosquitos remain the deadliest animal in the world. Responsible for over 1 million deaths each year. Spreading diseases like:
- Malaria
- Chikungunya
- Dog Heartworm
- Dengue
- Yellow Fever
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis
- St. Louis Encephalitis
- LaCrosse Encephalitis
- Western Equine Encephalitis
- West Nile Virus
- Zika Virus
Did you know that only female mosquitoes feed on humans? They are also the ones that this method for control targets. Extensive use of the simple process shown below will see the mosquitos eliminate themselves from the affected areas totally and safely.
Target the breeding grounds
Mosquitos love stale water to lay their eggs in. In fact, it is believed that a large number of mosquito borne diseases were introduced to the US by the transport of tires. Mosquitos do NOT care what the water looks like or where it is, so old tires holding water is the perfect location for breeding.
And that exact way of mosquito thinking, could be their undoing in your backyard. All you need is a bucket or tub of standing water. Some dirt and grass. And an item called a mosquito dunk. This item is relatively cheap, easy to find, and safe for animals and fish to be in and around. In fact, farmers can throw them right in to drink troughs, and small fishing ponds are the perfect place to control populations.
Step 1: Take your bucket/tub and fill it with water
Step 2: Add in the dirt and grass. That creates the chemical reactions that produce “old water,” and that is what draws the mosquitos in.
Step 3: Add the mosquito dunk to the bucket. It contains a bacteria that is harmless to humans and animals, but lethal to mosquito eggs.
Most Mosquito Dunks do these things:
- kills mosquito larvae for 30 days or more
- covers a 100 square feet regardless of depth for those 30+ days
- Safe for use in fish-ponds and animal drinking toughs. Dunks can also be broken in pieces for smaller areas
- Easy to use, simply place a dunk in any standing water once a month
- Unused and dry dunks retain their potency indefinitely, so they don't go bad
Step 4: Place it in a shady area and make sure the water doesn't evaporate.
Here's the deal, as long as there is no other source of stagnant water on your property, the mosquitos have no choice but to breed in the buckets. Better yet, since mosquitos only live for a few weeks, a couple of generations breeding into those poisoned buckets, with no offspring, leads to the population effectively dying out in the immediate area.
Why does this method work?
Julian's process is quick, easy, and cheap. The effectiveness, though, is all down to your setup. Now that warm weather is here, it's the perfect time to kill those pesky blood suckers. Hopefully for good.