Prayer Vigil to be Held in Dubuque to Support Ukraine
Almost every day someone asks me how they can help the people of Ukraine. Whether its a phone call, email, or message on our mobile app, plenty of people want to help.
And there are lots of ways to help if you have money, but those with a limited income often feel helpless. But there is at least one way to help that costs little or nothing....."PRAYER". Join the Prayer Vigil and Worship Service for Ukraine and World Peace Thursday, March 31 St. Peter Lutheran Church 3200 Asbury Road, Dubuque Prayer Vigil begins at 7:00am Worship Service begins at 6:30pm
Come by the church at any time during the day, to lift up your prayers for peace, have space for reflection, or light a candle. At the top of each hour, starting at 8:00am, a 15-minute group prayer service will be held. At the end of this time, the church bell will be rung to raise our prayers to God.
Prayer Vigil sponsored by the area churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Worship Service sponsored by Dubuque Area Congregations United (DACU) For more information, please contact Rev. Karla Wildberger karlakaywild@gmail.com