With Labor Day behind us and summer now but a sweet distant memory, the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for a busy but fun fall. 

Photo Credit: Dubuque Area Chamber Youtube Channel
Photo Credit: Dubuque Area Chamber Youtube Channel

Justine Paradiso stopped by the Townsquare Studios to share an update on the Dubuque Area Chamber's calendar of events. Including the application deadline for Leadership Dubuque, the ongoing breakfast speaker series known as Politics and Eggs, and upcoming ribbon cuttings.

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Leadership Dubuque begins September 2022

Leadership Dubuque promotes civic responsibility, encourages community involvement, and connects professional leaders to encourage positive growth within the business community.

Leadership Dubuque allows individuals to acquire community knowledge, develop leadership skills, and network with other professionals and entrepreneurs across multiple business sectors.

Chamber member employees are eligible for the program. In addition, small business owners, managers, elected officials, lawyers, builders, doctors, etc. qualify and are encouraged to join the program.

Leadership Dubuque is a terrific way to learn more about our community resources, government, businesses, and educational opportunities, along with the impact of economic development on the community.

Additionally, it's a fun and effective way to establish and build relationships with a diverse group of business professionals. Ultimately, it's a step towards enriching the quality of life and shaping the future of Dubuque and the Tri-States.

Don't Delay your decision: Applications are due by COB Friday, September 9, 2022!

For more information, watch the video from the 2022 Leadership Dubuque Graduation.

Thus far, U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst have presented. Additionally, State Senator and Congressional District 2 candidate Liz Mathis met with a few dozen folks for breakfast.

Next is U.S. Rep Ashley Hinson on Monday, September 26, 2002, from 9:30 to 10:45 at the Hotel Julien Ballroom, 200 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa.

Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva
Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva

Democrat State Senator Liz Mathis is challenging Republican Hinson in the November election.

Politics & Eggs features a photo line with the Congresswoman, brief remarks, extended Q&A, and an opportunity to get a unique piece of memorabilia signed by Rep. Hinson. 

Click for Politics & Eggs Event Details

The Dubuque Area Chamber has several Ribbon Cuttings already on the calendar. Click for the list of events to see what may appeal to you and fits your schedule. 

How Dubuque Are You Quiz

Scroll through our quiz below to get a gauge of just how "Dubuque" you are. You'll need a good way to track your score -- we suggest a pencil & paper -- and the ability to honestly answer some questions. This is NOT a test of your knowledge of the area. This is a carefully crafted quiz designed to accurately appraise your level of "Dubuque-iness." Knowledge of the area is only one component of that. Tally your score at the end of the five sections below and you'll know your "Dubuquation" result. Then share your score and compare with friends.

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