Peosta seeking $475K from Dubuque County for park amenities & trail
According to a story from the Telegraph Herald; the City of Peosta leaders asked the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors for $475,000 toward a project to create basic amenities at Kelly Oaks Park. This is part of a larger plan for trail connectivity between parks. Full plans involve a community trail system connecting six public spaces, with the system then being connected to Heritage Trail.
County supervisors have voiced support for the project, but have not reached an agreement on how much money to invest in the project. The total estimated project cost is around $1.1 million, which includes a parking lot, playground, pavilion, and a trail around the park. The trail is currently unimproved outside of undergrowth removal and clearings for a disc golf course.
According to the Telegraph Herald;
"The city turned to the county, which received nearly $19 million from the American Rescue Plan Act. The county has allocated all but about $1 million of that to other organizations, so Peosta has broken the project into phases."
In addition, the city of Peosta has budgeted $100,000 this year as a kickstart to partner with any other grant opportunities that may become available. The Peosta council, mayor and staff are budgeting heavily for parks and rec this year and the $475,000 from the County would help Peosta finish the process by the end of next year. One supervisor expressed concern that the America Rescue Plan Act may not be the appropriate way for the county to support the project, although they see value in it, while others believe its use ( the ARPA) is still a possibility. Watch for more updates as this development continues. Peosta has an plans to continue to invest significantly in the project.
Check out these other local trails and hikes!